I’m naturally a unionist.
But the problem UK now has is its govt has “othered” Scots (remember Miliband in Salmond’s top pocket? The Scots do) for a decade now...

....but if you “other” a nation but don’t offer them a way to leave this is an inherently destructive situation.
2nd problem for the Union is while there is a lot of truth in the argument that breaking with a 60million neighbor will be economically costly for Scotland - there is a 450m Union + N Ireland waiting as ready made alternative.

This is a rare situation for independence movements.

Independence referendums tend to fail due to 3 issues

1. Status quo bias
2. Emotional bond
3. Economic cost

Othering & Brexit have torpedoed the 1st two.

Suspect any future referendum will be fought almost exclusively on the 3rd point.

Will it be enough?
I don’t think so.

Scotland is oft compared to Quebec in that Canada needed to simply see out the Quebec Indy excitement & then it’d drift away.

Problem is Canada is seen as both federally & as country a success.

The lesson for Unionists is they need to show success both in AND of the Union.

But the question is how?

Will Brexit UK really generate such a success that Scots actively turn their back not just on an independent Scotland but on the idea of anti-brexitism itself - which is fast becoming an intrinsic part of Scottish identity?

Given above if I were advising govt I would risk a “smart loose federal unionism” that built in many advantages for Scots. Enough to deter swing voters.

Problem now is I suspect unionism depends solely on refusing a 2nd referendum - something that didn’t stop eurosceptics...

So this is the problem
Yes Westminster could continue the hardline & refuse Scots a way out but they have to continue that forever this seems unlikely - sooner or later they’ll be a hung parliament- so again if I were advising this is what I would offer the Scots...

A referendum but with an ALREADY EXISTING option of irrevocable full federalism versus independence.

It might not win but it would be worth a shot compared to current situation which resembles a horrifically dysfunctional family.

The current state cannot hold.


A couple of people have suggested this is all quite patronizing to Scots.

Not at all, if I were a Scot its probable I’d vote for independence if referendum was tomorrow.

The thread was an attempt to cooly analyse the situation from a British/English unionist perspective.
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