Who is writing the post-Covid Nursing strategy? I assume someone must be and I am requesting the following to be included:
1. Staffing ratios for: RN to patient; RN to other nursing helpers; a standard and a minimum level below which special plans (tried and tested) kick in.
2. Academic requirements for defined roles, that, if fudged, must lead to a change of role title and salary.
3. Employment contracts that build in a percentage of time for formal education.
4. Nursing Workforce plans informed by expert workforce planners and workforce research.
5. A Nursing workforce plan that is for the nursing workforce, NOT led by & tailored to a single employer.
6.Salaries that reflect expertise and education.
7. Recognises fundamental importance of Registered Nurses to the outcomes & quality of any patient experience in any sector
8. Includes a tested escalation plan for use in national emergencies, pandemics, etc.

This is just a start. Please add items required.
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