After a year of seeing people twist the boys words, act like their managers instead of fans and treat them like children who can't stand and speak up for themselves - a thread with things they said about their relationship, career and co-workers, EVERYBODY should please respect.
1. Firstly starting with the fact that they signed a new contract for another 7 years this year, despite them already being successful enough to have solo careers and bh being dependent on them, not the other way around. Why sign sth that is not 100% beneficial to each of them?
2. They became major shareholders of bh this year. That's a pretty big deal and claiming they have no say in what they do, is simply defamation atp. Obviously constructive criticism is fine, but they are business men, not dolls. So think about that the next time you say “f/k bh”.
3. They talk about their bond so often. To those of you claiming it’s a marketing strategy or ignoring their love/respect for each other, I hope you are aware you are actively speaking over them and involving yourself in things you have no place to as a FAN.
5. "That made me feel warm inside." Yeah, maybe don't put them up against each other or belittle their feelings for each other and for the band.
6. More important things they actually said about each other.
7. Stop involving yourself into their creative process. They aren’t asking you for that and they certainly don’t need you to make demands or “save” them because you think they are being mistreated. They have been in the business for long enough, they need support, not management.
8. I know some of you mean well, but no matter how many times we say this it's still true - they are professionals, they are adults, they have shown us they are not afraid to speak up if they have problems, all you end up doing is pressure them into stuff they aren't ready for.
10. I know some of you hate to hear this and will call me a company stan for it, but Bang Pd isn't really the fairytale villain y'all made him out to be to fit your victim fantasy. But will you listen to the boys or some random mantis on the internet?
11. ... and neither is Bh and their production crew, their stylists, managers or other co-workers.
12. As always I recommend watching their actual content, taking your cues only from them and respecting them. Videos like this are more telling than some akgae's thinkpiece in my opinion.
13. Short reminder of the most important thing I want to convey with this thread!! Your job = Not micromanaging, but trusting the Grammy nominated, biggest biggest band in the world that's almost been together for 10 years and that you only know as much of as they open up to us.
14. And I don't know where some of you take the audacity from to equate yourself as a fan to the people who actually know them personally? Respect the choices they make. It's really easy, you just need to let go of the mentality that they have no autonomy to do what they desire.
15. A lot of the micromanaging seems like it stems from a) false narratives b) not viewing them as adults c) wanting them to go solo or fulfill the demands that YOU make d) just not trusting them, not viewing them as successful, self reflecting musical artists because of... Kpop?
16. I see so much disrespect towards the people they work with and the things they put out that Idk what exactly some "Fans" are in for? I know this won't reach everyone but please, if you love them, trust them and actually listen to them. Unnecessary hate affects you AND them.
17. No matter how you twist it, victimising grown men is wrong and it's creepy. Making different members out to be black sheep when they are all established, talented, strong individuals who don't need fans (often) half their age from different countries to speak in their names.
18. There is no conspiracy, no secret agency or evil plan behind bh + BTS. The only conspiracy theories are patronising and guilt-tripping takes like "It's always x member", Army hates him", "They deserve better" and "They are mistreated", because none of that is based on facts.
19. Twist this thread however but these are facts and things the boys have said and done. We all need to get back to acting more like fans and less like we are entitled to speak on their decisions, their personal lives, their career and their creative process. Love and trust. 💜
I'll add more links etc later and if you have stuff you think I should add, let me know!
And thanks to everyone who helped me with this, you know who you are! Everyone, get rational moots who question things and encourage critical thinking and simply trust the boys without acting like 🐑. Seeing/spreading negativity all day is unhealthy and not what the boys preach.
20. Somebody requested me to add bh protecting the boys from threats and actual defamation and I think that's pretty important too, because despite what many people on here claim, they actually take care that the boys are safe and healthy.
Let me know if you want sources or more links. Always critically think and if something seems fishy, double check! Teaches you a lot for real life.
This thread is no exception.
22. Please watch their content straight from the source. I can't say this often enough, this is really important, don't just consume Screenshots and photoshoots, watch their full lives and their docus. 
23. This video⬇️
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