This is a thread about learning something new. Research shows the more adults do it, the faster they learn in the future...

It’s literally a brain booster you can do yourself. Here are some fun things to remember: 1/
Learning can begin to change the brain in 7 days.

Even beginning “juggling” starts to change gray matter, processing centers, and white matter in this time.

What’s amazing is that learning one thing, begins to impact things completely, problem solving. 2/
While adults get easily discouraged, realize when we are at mass learning - we also have our highest rates of failure.

Toddlers can take 30 falls an hour when learning to walk, and can take about 2.6 million steps before they are solid walkers.

Don't give up so easily. 3/
We shouldn’t be trying to do the same things in the same ways to practice. ex: Toddlers don’t walk in exactly the same way every time to rehearse & that's important.

When practicing, use some variability in training - it can help you learn better. 4/
Learning also impacts something incredibly essential: Our sense of self.

We see ourselves as more capable, develop more confidence, and feel we can flex and adapt to what comes.

This would also influence things in business like risk-taking. 5/
So shout-out to The WSJ, the NY Infant Action Lab, Germany’s University of Bochum, and others for the great info.

As Dr. Adolph says with children, they “learn best near the limits of their own skill level,” and so with adults.

I hope you challenge yourself. 6/fin
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