I do think it’s strange that California is swamped w COVID deaths & so many businesses are closed & hospitals are bursting at capacity & disabled ppl are frightened abt rationed care & Disney is like, “Here are 1,345 new Star Wars projects in production you’ll be seeing soon!!!”
It’s almost like producing mass media to keep people in a narcotized state of passivity and nostalgia is...an essential business? Without which this country of unresponsive politics, non-functioning public health & usurious economics would collapse entirely?
It is interesting to observe how Hollywood was used in WWII (by force) & post-9/11 (voluntarily) to produce propaganda for war efforts. And yet, it doesn’t seem to have been utilized to promote mask usage, vaccine education, etc—it is primarily functioning to narcotize...
...in this way, it is interesting to read ongoing production of Law & Order type of shows as ESSENTIAL BUSINESS. As I’ve discussed w @Nina_Metz, 1st responder shows exploded post 9/11 to promote compulsory respect for institutions.

Manufacturing such fantasies is essential...
...in a society w OBVIOUSLY failing institutions. After our summer of unrest, copaganda in general (& the role of the Black cop in particular) = Brooklyn 99, SVU etc have an even *more* essential role in keeping the populace content. If ppl get bored or angry, they might revolt!
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