This is in Canada, but a few thoughts.

1. How the person behind the camera respects the worker through the pain & outrage being felt is incredible, & we can all learn from it.

2. This is disgusting. Jfc

Store: Uniprix, dollar street, Lasalle, Montreal
This happens here every day. Not exactly this, but flavors of it.

Think about what shops look up the most, and how it seems to only target and disadvantage bipoc folks, and poor people, further criminalizing being not-white, and/or poor. :/
Think about the things they lock up, btw.

Sexual Wellness & Family Planning (condoms, morning after pill, pregnancy tests, ovulation tests)

Menstruation products

Fyi: online markets don't allow u to sell formula, bc its ILLEGAL to resell/GIFT unused, unopened cans of formula if u got them through EBT/WIC. There are v few ways to prove u didn't, so formula gets destroyed & there is no market resale value for it, but they lock it up 4 why?
Like seriously.

Name one good reason why it is okay to let babies starve?
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