🔴Breaking News🔴

🔶Joint Search Op was launched by security forces today afternoon based on inputs of @JmuKmrPolice at #kulgam #Kashmir .

🔶1 terrorist associate apprehended & following recovered :-
- 01Chinese Pistol
- 01Chinese grenade
- 02AK mag(28rds)
- 01German compass
🔴Encounter Update 🔴

🔶 Yawar & Amir who surrendered to SF on 22 Dec at #Tantripora op #Shopian revealed name of Zahoor Ah Bhat #Hattipura whose name was not on records of @JmuKmrPolice .

🔶 Based on the input the SF apprehended Zahoor with huge cache of arms & ammo.
This brings us to a point that not all #terrorists or their associates are in @JmuKmrPolice records. So, how many like Zahoor are out there?

@Ptr6Vb @Lone_wolf110 @RDXThinksThat @Natsecjeff @WIONews @Nexoft034 @baramullawatch @ChinarcorpsIA
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