Black women, please connect the dots. The stats about us and our health are NOT GOOD. And they are not good because of STRESS. These are the things that build up chronic stress in our bodies and contribute to the childbirth stats we see. It doesn’t just start at pregnancy (1/
We need to make a CONSCIOUS effort not to harbour stress in our bodies FROM NOW. Stress accumulates and resides in our bodies over YEARS. Please we need to start prioritising our mental well-being. You might think entering these rooms and going back and forth is harmless. NO (2/
It has an effect on us, which we are yet to see until later down the line. As with all things health related. It’s 2021. I implore us all. We do not have the luxury to debate our humanity with this ashy ass, dumb ass, basic ass, misogynistic assholes. Protect yourself! (END)
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