Sasuke & Boruto - Master & Student
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Boruto's fate will ironically resemble Sasuke's story, the one that he admires so much. Little does he know that he will be painfully forced into pursuing this path that he 'chose'.
HATRED-Just like Sasuke,Boruto might end up being consumed by the hatred for the ones who destroyed his life:The Otsutsuki, making revenge his final and most important purpose.He will become the shadows himself in order to fight the most dangerous threat the shinobi world faced.
GOING 'ROGUE' -In a totally different manner,Boruto might end up being forced by the circumstances to leave the village in order to protect everyone from himself,loosing absolutely everything he had until then.Just like Sasuke lost his family, his life taking a dark twisted turn.
SEEKING POWER- During his lonely journey Boruto will seek more power and ways to gain real control over himself. Kashin Koji might be the one to guide Boruto and help him reach his goals, but also provide him essential knowledge about the Karma and The Otsutsuki.
SEEKING POWER- Toneri is also a key factor when it comes to knowledge about the Jogan and its powers, being the most suitable person to help Boruto fully master his Otsutsuki inherited abilities; or at least give him more hints on how to use it.
BREAKING BONDS -Just like Sasuke did,Boruto will decide by himself to cut every single bond he created during his childhood, ending up completely alone.But in the end no one will give up on him; they will try to remind him that he doesn't have to face this tragic fate by himself.
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