What #cake do the #Blakes7 characters prefer?
Blake refuses to eat anything as trivial as cake while there are oppressed persons in the galaxy. Eats fruit instead, but you know who's been taking the leftovers at night...
Cally chooses carrot cake, because it's healthy. Gives everyone a lecture about the history of cake on Auron.
Gan has to stick to Madeira cake. Anything more exciting sets off his neural inhibitor
Jenna likes 'hidden surprise' cakes, beccause they remind her of her smuggling days
Villa wants as much bling as possible. Chocolate, cream, sprinkles, alcohol. Even better if it's stolen from a federation fridge
Avon doesn't really mind, as long as he doesn't have to share. If asked, he will say 'black velvet'
Dayna loves anything fluffy and full of cream, like an éclair. They are fun to eat and can double as a weapon to choke your enemies
Tarrant doesn't deserve any cake because he's an arse. Bullies Villa, and takes his
Soolin is secretly a skilled baker. Will make any cake you want...for a price. Annoyed because Avon hasn't paid her yet
Travis is one of those people who genuinely doesn't like desserts. Despises anyone weak enough to enjoy cake
Finally, Servalan. Has the finest pastry chefs in the federation to provide exclusive creations. Failure to impress earns a one way ticket to Cygnus Alpha.
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