(Thread) The Adani bois of Thiruvananthapuram, who were at the forefront of the propaganda to privatise the intrntnl airport,are out with another. The Kerala Chalachitra Academy has decided to organise the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) across four cities in Kerala.
Now, the claim of these regionalists is that this is a ploy to slowly shift the festival outside the capital. Nothing is far from the truth. This is just a stop-gap arrangement to reduce crowding in theatres.
IFFK is a festival accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF). One of the conditions for accreditation is that it should have a permanent venue, which has been Thiruvananthapuram for more than two decades now.
Now if they decide to shift it, they stand to lose the accreditation and the chalachitra academy is not going to do that.
In the first couple of years, it used to be a travelling festival with editions held in Kozhikode and Ernakulam. It was fixed in Thiruvananthapuram in the last 1990s, after which it got accredited.
In the past decade,one more festival - the International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala (IDSFFK)- too was added to the calender, with Thiruvananthapuram again becoming its permanent venue.
This time, the festival is being held in four phases in four cities and the same set of films are being screened everywhere. The delegates are required to register in the venue closest to their area of residence to avoid travel.
This time, the festival is being held in four phases in four cities and the same set of films are being screened everywhere. The delegates are required to register in the venue closest to their area of residence to avoid travel.
Muddy the waters,create petty regionalism & hatred and thrive. Now,the whole bunch of propagandists who disappeared after the local body elections have resurfaced.Wonder whthr anyone of them have ever watched a film at IFFK, for their thoughts won't be so narrow if they every did
When the so called "global" citizen speaks like a petty regionalist and thinks that "knowledgable cinephiles" exist in only one corner of this state. Is a film festival supposed to cater only to the "knowledgable" ones?
Does he evn understand the character of this truly democratic festival,where anyone can be a delegate? Not surprising that this comes from a celebrated liberal who has taken regressive,anti-women stands in the past,bcos he thinks regressiveness is alrite if the majority thinks so
No amount of clarifications that the IFFK would remain in the capital can douse this poisonous regional chauvinist fire, which is blind to facts.
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