I see a lot of back & forth about DNA test and I just laugh. A generation that has built everything about itself on sex is fighting over DNA. You guys are really funny, you meet someone today & that very night you guys end up in bed,
You sleep with everyone you meet, to you it's nothing, it's part of the Constitution of our generation. When you're dating someone, it's a written law that sex must be part of the equation. When you & your friends meet, your rate each other sexual prowess
And body count. All the songs we listen to are sexual in nature, music videos nko, sexually explicit, the most read articles are all on sex. And if one has a contrary opinion, you dare not say it. No one wants to hear no premarital sex or waiting for marriage
You'll be dragged, insulted & questioned if you dare say, you're waiting till marriage. Now the consequences of your actions are coming out, you're crying. What did you expect when you used all your single years to sleep around, you think it'll just stop
Because you're now married? Kolewerk. If you planted fornication, you'll reap adultery in full. Many of you are caring for kids, not yours, but you don't know. This is just the beginning. What we're seeing now is small, konitu sleeping around.
A DNA test will be the least of your worries. It's worrisome that even in the church, you still have to tell a perspective that is a Christian oh, that no sex on the table till marriage. Anyway, I wish you guys the best, Salt & Light.
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