NSW gets a mask mandate for the 1st time but the much more effective control measure ("a boss must allow a worker to work from home if reasonably practicable") was stopped on Dec 14 and isn't coming back. Best practice sacrificed on the altar of capitalism. #nswpol #COVID19nsw
we need to be honest with ourselves. the best way to prevent the spread is to prevent person-to-person contact as much as possible. the decision to let your boss force you to the workplace even if you could do your job from home is bald-faced putting money before people & health.
i work for unions and i see bosses *aggressively* unwinding covid WFH since dec 14. the financial impacts from the WFH are minimal but one dollar would be too much for bosses. the bosses' associations are enemies of the people and they are responsible for deaths and injuries.
make no mistake. the bosses lobbied heavily to limit the original WFH direction. the bosses lobbied heavily to get it removed. and the bosses lobbied heavily to get it to stay gone. i will never not be angry about politicians allowing bosses to direct a public health decision.
i remember a WHS Act fight with a boss who was *certain* that they had an exemption to the original wfh public health order because their boss association was involved in lobbying and had won a partial exemption. they were terrified to learn they had to allow wfh. abject terror.
it was like i'd taken a shit on their desk in front of them. they were disgusted and clearly furious. and all i wanted was to get workers out of the workplace ASAP.
moral of the thread; do not trust your boss with your health. join your union. be active in your union. demand your union look after WHS. #nswpol #covidnsw #covid19nsw
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