Right, & here’s the rest of the winners of 2020’s #Draw Challenges, starting with the #DrawDesmondSwayne mini challenge snuck into the heart of the #DrawMichaelGove Challenge. Challenge breakout star @kevinwellsart won with this
...and won this, a lovingly handcrafted face mask of the type Sir Desmond deplores, fashion from an unused pair of my old y-fronts
Next up, suggested by the excellent @blueloutter we had #DrawTimMartin in honour of Sir Worzel Brexit, founding fuckwit of the Bubonic Inns chain of beer halls. Won by @PrivateEyeNews’ very own @SaHreports, who won a book &. Bottle of Bucky (which I hope to God lies undrunk)
Next up, in the hope that the dark magic that undid @sajidjavid might work again, it was the mammoth #DrawBorisJohnson Challenge. Didn’t work as the fat sack of needy narcissism is still there. But so, too, is this minimalist masterpiece from winner @jonesycartoons - for The Ages
Infinitely more successful in terms of Voodoo cartooning working its dark magic & Throwing Out The Trash was this cheesy piece of majesty from previous winner @BurtOHare, our first video installation winner!
And then, after a slow burn, our Springtime drawn out spells to destroy risible 11 year old evil genius nerd Dominic Cummings matured! To celebrate, the #DrawDominicCummingsGoings Schadenfreude mini-Challenge was launched! Won jointly by @Chance4321 (entering for first time!)...
...and @JaseToons (who’d already scooped gong for a @comicartfest side Challenge) with a beautiful narrative arc, of which this is the second part
There was also, in late autumn, the combined #DrawDidoHarding #DrawSerco #DrawOutsourcing Etcetc - a cynical grab at getting free content for a #PlagueSongs video (my other Covid side project). Judged by @jontreg, the talented young @tomjohnston2796 won with this
And now we’re nearly there. While #Draw2020Challenge lasted all through the month of December, 2 other Challenges sprang up like fish in a barrel. First up was #DrawPritiPatel in honour of the utterly non-bullying Mary Poppins of Modern Fascism. God, but you enjoyed this...
...almost indecently, indeed. There were many many fantastic entries, but the three I liked best were from @iancartoons
...and @taylertoons. All thoroughly satisfying.
And while you were still scribbling your visions of 2020 (results all in due course) I threw you the ultimate Challenge - to draw the evaporating damp fart that is @GavinWilliamson. Unsurprisingly, this froth of nothing, this aerosol of arseholery, this zero sum zero proved...
...almost impossible to pin down. How, after all, do you draw bad breath? Do you paint a fart in a lift? Do you capture in a haiku the dogs hit on your shoe ? (ok - I’ll concede that one - entries to #Dogshithaiku by end of the week please). Still, @Songicartoons came closest
And there, thus far, you have it. I salute every one of you for picking up this dumb idea I had just over a year ago, to whack @matthancock with dumb drawings for being such a spineless little creep. You’ve turned it into a monster which then devours a tiny bit of my time but...
..also clearly fulfils a need in you lot to be disgracefully horrible about the crooks, cranks, careerists, clowns, chancers & charlatans (often contained in 1 body) who presume to rule us, through the miracle of the visual arts. Ruskin would weep with joy, & hooray for everyone!
I’ll be back with the first Challenge f 2021 when I’ve thought it up in me ‘ead. All right? All right! Mxx
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