48 hrs after contacting @metpoliceuk by Twitter (3 accounts), email, on-line chat, and telephone, who (according to Stephanie Hayden) wish to talk to me “urgently”, I’ve still had no contact from them.
I’ve repeatedly asked Hayden (who monitors this account despite being blocked) to provide the name and numbers of the officers Hayden alleged visited my home and “spoke to my wife” (never happened) and who called me on 24.12.20 (also never happened). Hayden fails to do so.
Let me be clear Stephanie: calling the police to share your paranoid, un-evidenced, delusional fantasy that I am behind some plot against you, whilst saying you don’t want me prosecuted, only “talked to robustly” is wasting valuable police resources and shows you have no evidence
The nonsense you tell the police, (which then obliges them to respond, doubtless fearing inevitable complaints to the professional standards department) has been considered by a High Court judge in July - and was thrown out.
You were criticised for making allegations which were so unintelligible and so badly evidenced, the Particulars of Claim and “evidence” was struck out.
You also, on the basis of the same “evidence” sought to have me injuncted from “interfering in your life” (ie offering legal support to your victims) - a complaint you continue to make. But you were told by Nicklin J that nothing I was doing was likely to amount to harassment.
Your Application for the injunction was also subject to serious judicial criticism - and the Judge pointedly refused to grant it.

And you also plead the wrong authority because you’re just a hopelessly out of your depth litigant in person lacking basic legal knowledge.
As was shown in court when the judge patiently explained to you what “legal privilege” meant - something I’d already told you in communications which you dismissed as “without merit” and as “nonsense”.

Only it wasn’t. Was it. As Nicklin J explained to you.
You were told people are allowed to mount defences to your numerous ridiculous legal actions, and people are allowed to marshal evidence to make coherent criminal complaints of fraud/theft. You were told your claim simply wouldn’t succeed at trial because I was acting reasonably.
You were ordered to provide coherent evidence to support your allegations - and Nicklin J handed down an “unless order” post-dating strike-out of the whole claim unless you produced some coherent evidence of your allegations.
Instead of complying, you discontinued and accepted your liability for my legal costs. Why? My guess is because you had no evidence.
Instead of listening, learning, and growing up, you made a complaint to the police. Which I am still waiting - six months on, to hear from them about.

You also made another complaint to my Inn of Court, which was also dismissed - just like all the previous ones.
Here is the letter dismissing the first set of complaints. The second set of were also dismissed. The Inn, I believe, is now reviewing its complaints procedure to avoid it being misused in the future. So well done there.....
Since July, you have (foolishly in my view) openly collaborated with a Twitter account which has been openly criticised in court by Nicklin J, and issued a further three (or is it four) new claims. Two have been discontinued and another has been struck-out.
It is clear to anyone who is an informed observer that your conduct is now being considered by the judiciary, and those twitters you openly conspire with to abuse and harass are also clearly on the judicial radar. Most people would reconsider their strategy at this point.
Yet yesterday you threatened me with more litigation (make sure you pay your outstanding legal costs to me first) and another professional complaint. You also threatened me with committal proceedings in a matter you’re not even a party too, so have no ability to bring.
You have also, (it would appear at least), sent a threatening and not-so anonymous email to someone simply for exercising their right to observe proceedings In open court. In the process you (apparently) revealed some interesting facts about your previous......career?
You have also mocked and criticised the High Court judge Mr Justice Nicklin, and made yet another complaint to the police.
You need to understand people are not “conspiring” against you: they are mobilising to defend themselves from your conduct. That’s not the same. If you continue to misuse the legal process, and police and professional complaints, expect some pushback.
People aren’t going to take having careers, children, spouses (included deceased ones) targeted by you and those you openly consort with, laying down. You will be challenged. Your litigations will be defended and all legal means will be used to stop your anti-social behaviour.
I shall not say anything further and will resume my policy of not commenting on Hayden - which anyone being told “he’s harassing me” should carefully note: Defending your reputation isn’t harassment.

But that policy will be reviewed if Hayden’s conduct continues.
Update: nearly 72 hours after being told by Hayden that police want to “urgently” talk to me - this was the DM exchange after I gave Police the CRN quoted by Hayden.

Doesn’t seem urgent.

But Hayden isn’t an honest individual. So I’m not surprised.
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