Trying to grapple with this. What I learned last time, a thread:
1. Make your domestic work visible to others. Block your electronic diary to include periods of childcare (if you are lucky enough to be juggling w/ another parent working from home)
2. Have very modest expectations about home schooling - one literacy and one numeracy task a day is a very good day. Some days it will be impossible to get any structured learning done but remember - play is a way of learning too.
3. Try to get enough sleep. Staying up too late too work is counterproductive as you will not be as effective the next day and you will be more grumpy.
4. Let colleagues know what your situation is - we must adjust our expectations. It is impossible to work at the same level from home with children who need care and education. Anyone who thinks it is possible needs a reality check.
5.Exercise is not an optional extra. (Preaching to myself - but would love to hear any other tips - solidarity if you have a growing sense of dread about how on earth you are going to cope again. And yes, could be far worse and we need to do our bit but this is HARD.)
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