Decided to kick off the 2021 year list with a visit to Lat Krabang Rice Paddies, close to Bangkok's main airport. n arrival there was a party of the avian equivalent of the Airbus A380 flying past in the form of 10 Spot-billed Pelicans. ...1/
As I drove up the gravel track I encountered this very confiding Stejneger's Stonechat, one of several seen this morning. ...2/
At the end of the track I found a bird photographer's hide already in place with a male Bluethroat strutting his stuff, I left them to it and found this confiding Dusky Warbler nearby. The same area held three calling (but hidden) Pallas's Grasshopper Warblers. ..3/
Walking along the track I came to a stubble field & figured I'd give it a look, thinking "Buntings like stubble" - there had been a report before Xmas of a Yellow-breasted Bunting here. Sure enough, these two beauties flicked out of the stubble into a roadside bush. ...4/
Yellow-breasted Buntings. Pretty darn good to see in the shadow of the international airport!
Moving to the next big, scrubby field I found masses of Red-throated Pipits (picture), five Richard's Pipit, several Eastern Yellow Wags, Pin-tailed Snipe, and Zitting Cisticola plus lots and lots of weavers.
With all this bird life around me I found myself saying out loud "where is the harrier" (this area held a female Pied harrier last winter) and all of a sudden these two passed over the field in front of me - Eastern Marsh & Pied Harriers, both adult males!
So all in all a pretty excellent start to the year list, with 72 species recorded, including Yellow-breasted Bunting (my most wanted addition to my Bangkok list). HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!
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