Getting irrascibly frustrated with Owen Jones interview with Judith Butler because she's basically set up to recapitulate a bunch of points about the trans Vs feminist arguments which are already well established.
Please can we take time away from asking feminists about the TERF wars and instead try and find questions that ask us about the future, so that there's a feminist future that can be imagined beyond the TERF war?
I find comfort in having a giant of feminist theory affirming that trans people have always been part of and have helped shape and create feminism as it is today as much as the next transsexual, but finding it comforting isn't finding a direction towards solving our problems.
I feel like for a lot of cis people, these problems don't urgently need solution, instead the discourse around it is a sort of fascinating diversion, the petty drama of Butler describing clearly Suzanne Moore's transphobia is satisfying in a way her (I think) really important..
...thoughts on community and violence that she's recently written on that are given less attention are not. The people who need to be told that Suzanne Moore is a transphobe do not care, the people who want to be told Suzanne Moore is a transphobe already know.
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