He lost me at, "My good faith efforts at de-escilation..."
Ted Wheeler's "good faith effort at de-escalation" https://twitter.com/_whatriot/status/1300163414782738433
And just a reminder that one month before the election, Ted Wheeler was publicly declaring his desire to work with Trump. https://twitter.com/_whatriot/status/1300237096909586432
After two months of heavily increased and unchecked police brutality against activists, medics, legal observers and the press, upon winning re-election from a minority of voters, Ted Wheeler stated, "I have really enjoyed the last couple of months in particular" https://twitter.com/_whatriot/status/1302139057518960640
Hoards of violent out of state neo-nazis regularly come into Portland to shoot live ammo, solid plastic paintball rounds, and bear mace at Portland residents. They steel property and destroy homes, and Ted Wheeler has said, and done nothing about it. https://twitter.com/_whatriot/status/1300002945988087809
On at least three occasions, Ted Wheeler used the dog whistle below to publicly call on, and encourage neo-nazis to travel to Portland to enact vigilante justice, which resulted in a death. https://twitter.com/_whatriot/status/1300167634474819584
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