2021 is a year of several anniversaries in UK foreign policy.

1951 - Attlee's Labour govt begins covert planning to overthrow Musaddiq in Iran, carried out by MI6 and CIA two years later. https://bit.ly/2LcT3wO 
1961 - UK govt fabricates a threat to Kuwait from Iraq to keep Kuwait, and its oil, within its orbit.
1971 - Heath govt strongly welcomes and backs Idi Amin coup in Uganda on 25 January 1971 - to protect UK commercial interests in the country. Amin regime goes on to kill hundreds of thousands. https://bit.ly/3o7gshZ 
1981 - Thatcher govt begins big increase in arms deliveries to both Pinochet's murderous regime in Chile and the Argentinian military junta that invaded the Falklands the following year. @declassifieduk https://bit.ly/382ZADf  / https://bit.ly/3b1cnbm 
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