If you've followed me for any length of time you know I run a small, black-owned, independent publishing company @NotSoSuperPub for a little over 10 years now. My goal has always been simple. To tell good inclusive stories.
I also wanted to treat artists with dignity and respect. Having been a freelancer doing graphic arts for years I knew first hand how people tend to exploit artists and waste their time and make a mockery of their livelihoods.
My goals although simple were never easy. But steadily, using the tools around me like Kickstarter and social media, an amazing group of people appeared and supported me along the way. Folks who have become peers and lifelong friends and together we accomplished wonderous things.
In 10 years I've worked with over 20 artists and published over 6 books. I've been featured on newspapers, gotten great reviews and honestly created the kinds of books people didn't know they were looking for. But it's always been a battle funding these things.
I'm a one man operation, who also is a spouse and parent, with a day job. Responsibilities I take very seriously. With Kickstarter and taking out personal loans only covering production and distribution, it's been tough trying to make enough to fund NEW projects.
And with the pandemic, the last remaining lifeblood, small local conventions, has made many small publishers like me halt production. This pandemic has also been tough to promote in. It's hard to ask the people I've grown so close to, to sacrifice for my little books.
But with the power of social media, I believe my message can reach those that can help. So here goes. I have several new projects I would love to accomplish in 2020 that need funding for artists and production. Here are some ways you can help me make them happen:
If you are new to my work, you can get it all right now, digitally at a significant discount here: https://notsosuper.pub/collections/other/products/not-so-super-digipack

If you just want to support monetarily feel free to give here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/NotSoSuperPub

Write about the company: DM me or email [email protected]
Other ways you can support:
Shop at http://notsosuper.pub 

Share my work with anyone you know.

I would love to keep growing and creating in 2021 and continue with my simple mission of creating quality inclusive books and treating artists with dignity and respect.
I appreciate you reading this. ANYTHING you can do will mean the world to me. Thanks so much. I love y'all!
You can follow @jnyemb.
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