Years from now we’ll look back on 2020 and finally realize how the government failed the American people 🤷🏿‍♂️. Come up with your excuses, but facts are facts.
We’re sitting in New Zealand, no masks, no social distancing, hearing stories of how they’ve received $600 EVERY WEEK since the pandemic started. Which helped people STAY HOME.
Of the “Greatest Country on Earth” can’t do that, is it the greatest? Since Covid, In America, we’ve created 56 new billionaires... and hundreds of thousands of deaths.
We’ve experienced a lot traveling, and we’ve seen governments that work! And of your response is “go live there” then you are a sad human.
Americans truly need to see the world, and learn from other people. People who swear they know it all usually are the dumbest. Y’all stay blessed though.
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