About this DNA Test thing I get gist, this one happened to my Uncle💔

Few years ago my uncle worked as a chef in a foreign restaurant in Warri, everything was going well and he started dating this lady. About six months into the relationship she told my uncle she was pregnant...
...they started making plans for their wedding.

Unfortunately my uncle lost his job a month later and madam came back to say the pregnancy was not his🙃 Imagine the heart break, he lost his job, relationship and "child" in 1 fucking month. He really tried fighting...
...ut she insisted the pregnancy wasn't his💔

Madam got married to a guy that works in chevron two months later, the wedding was loud, my uncle was broken. 8 years later (2018) My uncle got a call from her husband, apparently the child (a boy) was sick and they took him...
...to the hospital and they were some irregularities.

The husband investigated and discovered that my uncle dated and almost married her the same time as him. So they did a DNA Test and boom! The boy was my Uncle's son. Imagine missing out 8 years! 8 fucking years!!!
Worst part of everything was that my uncle accepted her, everyone in the family was against it, they told him to acceot his child and do away with her but he didn't listen💔 Few months later she ran off again😔 Don't let anyone blackmail you with trust, run that test!
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