Dias and Stones.
A thread
Since coming together for Olympiacos (a) Dias and Stones have played 6 matches together and are yet to concede. Here we’ll look at:
What they offer individually?
As a pair?
Compared to the previous guy?
And what else has changed that might be influencing defensive solidity 2/
We’re going to drill down into the stats for Dias (20/21), Stones (20/21) and compare them to Laporte (18/19) to see who offers what.
18/19 was a stellar season for Laporte and should be a good barometer for Dias and Stones 3/
Let’s start with the Defensive stats - the graph shows per 90 values. Laporte leads Tackles, Interceptions, Pressures and Successful Pressures. Stones leads the way in Aerial duals and has been Dribbled Past the least. Dias has committed the most fouls 4/
It’s easy to come to all sorts of varied conclusions when looking at these stats. But by marrying them with what we’ve seen on the pitch it should be possible to give some valid insights 5/
Laporte looks much more active from these stats.
And this tallies with what we’ve seen in recent weeks from City with Dias and Stones playing behind a more defensive set up. Their workload has subsequently dropped off, they’re less exposed, especially to counters 6/ https://twitter.com/city_tactics/status/1338384013313105920
Stones stats really stand out. He’s been dominant in the air winning 81% of his duals. He’s only been dribbled past once all season and he’s only committed 2 fouls.
When he’s on his game he really does have the potential to be a Rolls Royce of a defender 7/
Dias’ defensive stats are the least impressive of the 3. He’s been dribbled past the most, committed the most fouls and has generally been the least active. Some of this is reflective of tougher early season matches against Leeds, Liverpool and Spurs in which he started 8/
What Dias does bring to City’s back line is leadership. He talks a lot and it’s been clear, even watching on tv, that he’s become a key figure leading the line and generally bossing the defence 9/
When Vincent Kompany played for City we often saw his partners flourish next to him and flounder without him. Leaders like Kompany take away lot of decision making responsibilities from their partners, allowing them to focus on their defending. Dias shows similar qualities 10/
Stones has spoken about how much he enjoys playing with Dias 11/ https://twitter.com/cityreport_/status/1343533499006001154
In 18/19 City made 10 errors leading to an opponents shot. Last season that shot up to 23. Pre Dias and Stones partnership this season 6 were made, post there’s only been 1 and that was made by Torres vs Newcastle. City need to get back to the 18/19 stats, the signs are good 12/
When we move onto ball playing stats it is Laporte who stands out. He’s well ahead in Passes into the Attacking 3rd, Progressive Passes and Switches. Stones leads Completed Long Passes 13/
Again when looking at Progressive Distance of Carries and Progressive Distance of Passes Laporte has a healthy lead. Dias tends to trend slightly below Stones in lots of these stats 14/
We have to point out here that Dias has been playing left side of the two and subsequently receiving possession on his weaker foot more often. This will have contributed to these lower stats, especially when looking at Switches for example 15/
Laporte’s lead in ball playing statistics will be no surprise to those who watch City. He’s excellent at progressing possession up the pitch and when he’s not in the side City do miss this 16/
Pep has stated previously that he prefers to play with a left footed centre back. He’s quoted in this excellent piece by @Worville which focuses on the importance of having a left footed centre back in the modern game 17/ https://twitter.com/worville/status/1303223040487165952
Again some of the drop off in ball playing from Dias and Stones this season can be put down to the more conservative style. With more passing options deeper, it can be left to others to progress the ball into the attacking 3rd 18/
As Stones’ confidence grows we may see him become more adventurous with his passing and positioning.
Against Burnley, for example, he briefly took a midfield role.
Stones has the ability to step out and play different roles, giving City more options in possession 20/
In conclusion Dias and Stones are keeping clean sheets and not making mistakes. Whilst this is the case there’s no reason to change. Stones has so much potential, and with Dias leading the line and providing a steadying influence, he may have found his perfect partner 21/
City are a more stable side than earlier this season and much of last. Dias and Stones have been played a big part in that, as has the more defensive set up ahead of them. Laporte has a right to feel hard done by after being dropped following 1 bad display at Spurs 22/
He’s watched on as City have tightened up ahead of the centre backs and Dias and Stones have played to rave reviews. As we’ve seen here Laporte brings so much to the team, especially in possession, and at some point we’d expect to see him get back in 23/
But he’ll have to bide his time for now. Dias and Stones look set until form or fitness dip. It’s great to finally have so many good options at centre back, we’ve not even mentioned Ake or the youngsters coming through
Thanks for reading 24//
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