What is #TigrayGenocide?

It's an ongoing indiscriminate elimination of ethnic #Tigrayans and demolition of anything & everything Tigrayan in #Ethiopia. Today marks the 60th day of the active & passive genocide.
Who are the actors of #TigrayGenocide?

🔴 The unelected gov't of Ethiopia through its Federal Army, Federal Police, all government branches & media
🔴 All forces of the #Amhara Regional State + Terrorist Youth
🔴The #Eritrean government deploying >250K troops
🔴 #UAE Drones
Main targets of #TigrayGenocide-1

🩸 Indiscriminate bombing & shelling of civilian residences by armies of both countries across Tigray. Recently, they are targeting males over the age of 14 where thousands have already been murdered while others are taken to unknown locations.
Main targets of #TigrayGenocide-2

🩸 Tigrayan scholars, experts, business people, community influencers & public figures are being profiled, hunted & killed throughout the country. Those not killed are either under house arrest, at internment camps/prisons, assets liquidated.
Main targets of #TigrayGenocide-3

⛔️ The whole population of #Tigray is going through a collective punishment where a #HumanitarianCorridor for basic supplies has been denied. People don't have access for food & medicine-- many are dying of manmade hunger & medical deprivation.
Special targets of #TigrayGenocide-5

🔴With a goal of permanently impoverishing #Tigray, both the Ethiopian and Eritrean troops are completely destroying & looting infrastructures: factories, universities, hospitals and other public & private businesses. https://twitter.com/SteezyMario7/status/1342724971102167042?s=20
Special targets of #TigrayGenocide-6

🔴In an attempt to erase identity & demoralize the people, their most valuable historical treasures & sites are being destroyed or stolen. These assets include churches, mosques, civilizational landmarks & scriptures. https://twitter.com/SteezyMario7/status/1345089070268080135?s=20
Other extremely gross violations of HRs #TigrayGenocide

🛑 Women and girls are being raped by troops of both countries. Hundreds pregnant women are giving birth in very harrowing conditions while on the run for their lives. Some die due to postpartum hemorrhage.
What's the IC's response to #TigrayGenocide

😡 It's been a repetitive "Deep Concern" statements, but NO concrete concrete actions. @AUC_MoussaFaki & @_AfricanUnion have been a disgrace. @EU_Commission & @UNHumanRights seem to understand the gravity, but still lacking in ACTION.
Corroborating media coverages & survivor testimonies #TigrayGenocide https://twitter.com/SteezyMario7/status/1344382296439226370?s=20
What actually happened in #MaiKadra #TigrayGenocide https://twitter.com/SteezyMario7/status/1344130917384728586?s=20
What's @UNHumanRights's finding of the #TigrayGenocide https://twitter.com/SteezyMario7/status/1341438655399948291?s=20
Estimated human & property loss of #TigrayGenocide so far. Note this data doesn't include those dying at the mountains & their homes due lack of medical service or starvation.
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