My daughter's class (London): teacher + at least 12 kids + nearly every member of those 12 families tested positive, including all of mine. At least 4 adults have been hospitalised. (Rant alert at the end of the thread) 1/
We weren't told to isolate until 5 days after schools broke-up, because test results for 1st child with symptoms took 4 days to arrive. 2/
Took 6 days for my test results to arrive, 5 days for the rest of my family. Impossible to follow up, 119 system has no track record of tests. Still no idea what the point of the call centre is. #trackandtrace call further delayed by 1 day. 3/
With schools on their knees it is obvious they cannot cope with this new strain while after 11 months the #worldbeating t&t is still a s*** show. System completely disjointed. 4/
It is clear the debate is not anymore on whether school should be stay open or not but on what can we do once they do reopen. No plan in sight from what I can see. 5/
Open churches, get wider spaces, learn from other countries (!) and finally introduce masks in schools. I still see the headteacher of a nearby school greeting all parents with her bare face. @IndependentSage has clearly laid out the solutions 6/
I am the last who would insist on keeping school shut. We were a broken family at the end of lockdown 1 as a result of homeschooling (Still have ptsd dreaming of reading comprehensions). But schools need help, what is your plan @GavinWilliamson 7/
And to all the #COVIDIOTS out there come with me to the hospital when I either have to pick up or drop off a friend like I did last night. Happy to give you a hug right now as well.... 8/
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