The Supremacy Of The Shari’a- A Thread 🧵
The Shari'a Law has been a subject of inequitable prejudice for a long time, which we already know is false & illogical.

However, as long as such claims are being made- we will have to falsify 'em.😏

Let's debunk all the myths.
Harvard Economists point out how eradication of poverty in secular states is one of the pressing issues academics face.

In fact, around a billion people live in extreme poverty conditions under the notion of secularism.
A logical outcome of 0% poverty is 0% crime rates, as criminologists point out.

This can be explained by the theory of Synnomie, which explains 0% crime rates & ideal social order under the Shari'a.
Moreover, the effectiveness of capital punishments in the Shari'a law can be verified statistically.

Statistics tell us that the crime rates in the Shari'a societies is 100x less than that in the atheistic-secular societies.
Studies indicated that being a Muslim is positively leads to better mental & physical health, optimism & quality of life.

More adherence to Islam led to less chronic & acute diseases, greater well-being & longer, healthier lives.,Harold%20G.&text=He%20is%20considered%20by%20biomedical,experts%20on%20religion%20and%20health
It consequently follows that the Shari'a societies bolstered greater health & well-being than others.

Infact "washing hands" & general hygiene was an alien concept to Europeans, the Muslim European lands (eg. Bosnia & Turkey) have a greater hygiene than their counterparts.
Islam through the Qur'anic & Prophetic injunctions about the obligation of knowledge boosted education & eradicated illiteracy.

Historical evidence (by western academia) suggests that there was hardly anyone who couldn't read or write (basically 100% literacy rates).
Even the western academics recognize the importance of Islam for the scientific development & it's role in vilifying "dark ages".

Although the Europeans saw Islam as a "heresy" they still were flabbergasted by it's magnanimous intellectual riches.
The colonial west gave women no right to divorce, own property (which was only introduced in 1882 & 1857) & denied them basic rights.

In contrast, Islam empowered & protected women by stipulating these rights +1400 years back.
Islam's empowerment for women was so profound, that the first & the oldest university, "Al-Karaouine" was founded by a Muslim woman.

No other woman from any other civilizations before had managed to do this.
Religion in general and Islam in particular is the best way to combat drug abuse.

Islam successfully eradicated drug abuse using a step-by-step prohibition model.

Even without the Shari'a, it's effects in the Muslim world are still vivid.
Islam also successfully diminished HIV/STD Rates to virtually 0% in 100% Muslim-populated areas.

Muslim adherence to their faith by abstaining from pre/extra-marital sex & alcohol, practicing circumcision etc. is what led to it's accomplishment.
This is the theory of "Realistic Utopia", it states that the only way for a society to reach perfect harmony & function is through the application of the Shari’a Law.

From the above bulk of evidence, there should hardly be a shadow of doubt.

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