This kind of midwit sly is as bad as anndata BS we hear in media all day.

Most "inefficiencies" in agriculture, that midwits rant about all day, are engineered inefficiencies necessary for preventing social collapse in a bad-harvest year.

Explained using Socratic method
Q: Why is farming not remunerative?
A: Because there is massive surplus production.
Q: How do we handle surplus production in free market?
A: Either we export, reduce prices, or curb production to match demand & redeploy resources.
Q: Since everyone has surplus,& price could not fall below cost of production, curbing surplus is only way. What effect it would have?
A: Farming would become like every other business. Efficient farmers would drive out inefficient one, & surplus land would be available.....
farmer income would increase and labour would be available cheaply for corporates and factories.

Q: So Anon, it looks like all unicorn and rainbows. Why you are ripping into a midwit like I for suggesting that farming should be treated like a normal business?
A: Because Timmy the midwit, you are incapable of synthesizing knowledge and thus could not look at second and third order effect of your libertarian policies.

Like a wannabe MBB psychopath, you have maximized economic value, but destroyed all cushion available for bad year.
Q: So what happens in a bad year?
A: Production drops, and there is no enough food. Prices rise, but unlike other goods & services where you could cut consumption for food by a lot & survive. You simply die. It result in famine which is made worse by hoarding.
City institutes rationing, but eventually meager public stockpiles are exhausted. There is discontent on day1, protests on day 2, rioting loot & rapes on day 3,& on day4 hungry proles burn the city down. Both elites & proles alive try to flee into the countryside, destroying it
and further aggravating the famine.

Q: But Anon, why can't we simply increase production?
A: For an aspiring MBB psychopath, you are pretty low intelligence Timmy.

(i) Agri-cycles are three month minimum, and we usually come to know that we are Fkkeed usually at the end.
(ii) Famine conditions are produced by climatic conditions (like failing monsoons) or geological conditions like volcanic eruptions. Usually everyone in the world would be suffering from them.
(iii) To bring new land under plough and train enough workforce would need 6 months
ie two crop cycles. Sadly Timmy, food is not your iPhone which you could simply not buy, if you do not have money, and people could not remain without food for 6 month it would take market to step in, even if it is possible, and governance capability & political will to force...
white collar code-coolies to slave away in rice fields even exist.

Q: So why do not we see these collapses too often?
A: Because Timmy the midwit, people much wiser (or those who experienced famines) instituted a policy of not treating agriculture as normal business
And decided that, using subsidies, they would distort market so as to incentivize overproduction so that fall in production during bad year does not cause collapse.

The inefficiencies & subsidies you rant about are necessary for sustaining the system from which you derive value.
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