not to one up u lol but adding on to this, there’s another misconception that many Marxists tend to have, but class reductionists most dogmatically latch on to that leads to a flawed analysis: this being the notion that class struggle as the *sole* contradiction in all societies
Although the manifesto famously begins with "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles" this is actually a mistranslation of the original german version. Engel's in fact later added an edit to change it:
Engel's notes that in tribal and nomadic society, specifically in American indigenous societies there was a severe lack of class struggle because native society was entirely different from western society in it's mode of production, material needs, social conditioning, etc.
Engels eleaborates on this in Origins of The Family, where there is an entire chapter analyzing North American Indigenous society, specifically the Iroquois. The point being that in certain societies class struggle did not exist, or if it did it was not the primary contradiction
Similarly this trend is observed in those societies having what Marx calls the asiatic mode of production, where class struggle existed but depending on the society it may have not been the primary contradiction due to a lack of concrete classes in existence
This is further developed as communalism as seen in many societies throughout Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The Aztecs for example while an empire, lacked such notions as private property as reported by Juan Sepulvelda, attempting to portray them as “primitive” for it
The same pattern can be observed in modern Kalahari Bushmen and Australian Aboriginals. In the book “Affluence without Abundance” their success and sustainability of their classless society is studied over a period of many years by anthropologist James Suzman:
The main point here is that class reductionists miss the mark in their analysis because as history has shown us, class struggle is not always the sole driving force or primary contradiction as some societies didn’t even have class struggle. An incomplete analysis
And in a settler-colonial state such as America, when national struggle (the struggle between subjugated nations and an oppressor nation) manifests as race, it is apparent that class is at the not the primary contradiction or at the very least certainly not the sole contradiction
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