On 2nd January, 2016, the Western-backed Saudi regime beheaded the prominent Shia scholar, Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr, based on fake, fraudulent and fabricated trump-up charges.

@IntlCrimCourt @amnesty @hrw @KenRoth @UNHumanRights @KingSalman @AlArabiya_Eng
Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr was murdered ISIS style and the savage Saudi Wahhabi regime has refused to handover his dead body to his family for proper Islamic burial.
The "sin" of Sheikh al-Nimr was that he called for freedom, equality & respect for Human Rights for the extremely persecuted Shia minority Community of Saudi Arabia. All Western MainStream Media (MSM) reported that all his programs & activities were non-violent & peaceful.
The minority Shia Community of Saudi Arabia that made up about 30% of the population is the most persecuted minority in the whole world. Shias can not hold political appointments in Saudi Arabia. @washingtonpost @nytimes @BBCWorld @AJEnglish @RT_com @daily_trust @MobilePunch
A Shia Muslim can not be a Minister or an Ambassador or even a Judge in his own country. Shia Muslims of Saudi Arabia are treated as 3rd class citizens in their own country.
Despite the fact that the Oil rich Eastern region of Saudi Arabia is dominated by Shia Muslims, there is total absence of developmental projects in that area.
Presently there are thousands of the persecuted Shia Muslims in the dungeons of the savage Saudi Wahhabi regime, with many facing dead sentence.
Western regimes & Western-based Human Rights organization are silent on the extreme persecution of the minority Shia Community of Saudi Arabia because the extremely corrupt #AlSaud dynasty is the biggest tool of the Western imperialist barbarians in the Muslim world.
The masters of the bloodthirsty #AlSaud barbarians are in London and Washington.
The despotic and authoritarian Western-backed Saudi Wahhabi regime is the most oppressive, tyrannical and ruthless regime in the world. Today there are more than 60,000 political prisoners in Saudi Arabia.
The laws of Saudi are the wimps & caprices of the extremely corrupt Saudi king & the entire wealth of the country is in the pocket of this extremely corrupt AlSaud family. It is important to note that Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world named after a corrupt family
This was the country Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr found himself. A country where murderous tyranny and oppression are embedded. A country where #ShiaPhobia is an official government policy.
A country where the country's Radio and Television stations are daily bombarding the citizens with Shia hate, that the millions of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia are "Kafirs (infidels)".
As we mourn this Hero of freedom, justice, equality and respect for Human Rights, we call on the Genocidal imperialist barbarians of the West to stop their legendary hypocrisy on the massive human rights violations in Saudi Arabia.
@USinNigeria @UKinNigeria @10DowningStreet
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