Oh give me a break.

We can debate process. We can debate the best method to get this on the floor.

Instead you’re making this about a comedian’s mean words (someone who was brutalized by our healthcare system that desperate needs change). Grow up. https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1345193022179467268
Is Jimmy Dore abrasive? Absolutely. Is it okay that people are turned off or even hurt by his comments? Absolutely.

But this isn’t about Jimmy Dore. And AOC just made it that way.
We should not be clutching our pearls over the loudest and sometimes most uncouth advocates, protestors, and voices of a movement. This isn’t a garden party. This is a fight for a lifesaving policy.

Leave the worries over how this will impact the policy to the policymakers.
Jimmy Dore isn’t going to be standing in committee or making deals with politicians or advocating on the floor of Congress for a policy that will save millions of lives. He doesn’t have that power.

Those in Congress, on the other hand, do.
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