For all of those mask mandated zones of the world, I was wondering if someone could provide an actual study with data as to how effective they are - I'm a little confused
Austria mandated masks an now months later cases are higher than ever
Germany mandated masks and the same thing happened
France followed suit. Cases now through the roof
Spain too.
The British waited a little longer for the data to come out. But decided to mandate masks too and now cases are skyrocketing.
Those crazy Flemish waited until the heat of summer to require masks. Woops, now cases are up 50 fold.
Italy was going super great......and then they mandated masks.
Not all European nations required masks. They are those redlines at the bottom of the graph. It seems they never got the spike in cases. Hmmmmm.
Americans though, they are science, data and evidence based. I bet they make better decisions. Look at California.
Hawaii. Now that's a place that knows when to mandate masks to reduce case spikes.
Georgia never had a mask mandate. Seems to have had a lower spike and bigger drop off. How does that work?
Government always knows whats best for us - so they must have clear evidence based, science based, data based reasons for mandating and penalising people for not wearing masks.
Can I just see it please? After all our taxes are paying for this incredible research you must be doing
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