quite the back-to-back in my thread.

my unsavory opinion: public health leaders have been bad - often leaking pessimistic projections to the press to force the gov't to enact the probably stupid measures the Sun notes.

Globe and Star should stop enabling the moral blackmail.
lying about the rate the virus was spreading at was understandable at Thanksgiving, Xmas and New Years, when increased socializing was likely to increase spread - but Anthony Dale and his leaker should stop claiming the pandemic has been accelerating.
"There were more patients in Canada in intensive care this week than at any other point in the pandemic, according to data compiled by The Globe and Mail"
maybe elsewhere in Canada - but lets use some pop stat peeps the media has embraced to see about Ontario.
this spring some medical people decided they'd release data on ICU's and COVID in Ontario - they lost interest in that during the summer slowdown but maintain https://howsmyflattening.ca/  without the long-term trend data.
I kept some
Apr 8: 299 suspected of COVID, 305 +'tve, 249 ICU
yesterday's reporting was 337 in ICU, 210 on ventilators: in April they had freed lots of space in the ICU's and were about to add lots more ventilated beds.

this year the head of a hospital association is leaking fears to the Globe
StatsCan data shows the steepest percentage increase in deaths over the first phase of the virus (mid-march thru Sept) was in those lease likely to die from it (<45 y.o.)

I see no evidence the hospital association hasn't doing harm with the lobbying they run through the Globe.
now there's a genuine threat in the arrival of a faster spreading variant.
What's Dale going to do now: tell society to double lock-down, or go back to the work they did before that was their go-to move.
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