Brief thread on imposter syndrome for the new year. Why? Because I've suffered from it, and I talk to others every day who suffer from it- teammates who allow it to creep in & convince them 🎶I'm a weirdo, what the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here.🎶 1/🤷‍♂️
Vulnerable time: I didn't go to an academy. I've never been the strongest or fastest. I don't have any tabs. Sometimes I'm slow to grasp new concepts. I look in the mirror and don't think I "fit the mold." Sometimes I'd rather talk about punk rock than tactics. Every day I fail.
So every time I achieve some small success or level up, those creeping thoughts show up. "Did I slip through the cracks? Am I really ready for this? How did I get here? I don't deserve this. I'm not sure why I was picked. Everyone on that list is so much better than me."
This is compounded in the military, where there is "a type," & also conflated by overt and subconscious discrimination. We uphold the 6'2" jacked ENJT who runs a 12:00 2 mile & gives THE BEST speeches as what we think we should be-& then self-doubt takes over when we fall short.
So what do you do when these feelings creep in? For starters, take deep breaths. Then take inventory. Do you meet the standards?✅Do you have the qualifications?✅ Do you have the experience? ✅ Are you willing to work hard & learn? ✅Congrats, YOU BELONG THERE.
To truly become a force of inclusivity and diversity, we need to shatter the molds both held in our minds and in our institutions. We need to see each other differently, examine our own biases, and evaluate one another based on what we bring to the team. Make it cool to be weird.
As a leader, you have to suss this out. Help your introverts find their place. Encourage your extroverts to listen. Do an honesty trace if all of your people truly get a seat at the table. And-I cannot overstate this enough-you have to counsel & coach them to help find their way.
If imposter syndrome impacts you often, spend time reflecting. It's possible that perhaps you are not qualified or are not ready. Admitting your true shortcomings and asking for more developmental time sounds terrifying, but in the military it could save lives.
But- if you take an honest look at yourself- and you pass the litmus tests- then thrive with conviction, exist without remorse, and be proud of your accomplishments and membership on the team. Be unapologetically, unabashedly, brazenly, YOU. /end
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