Hey women in D&D and TTRPGs. You ever heard or said "oh to have the confidence of a white cis dude"?

While you're not making the content you want to because you're worried that you don't know enough, there's a lot of white dudes making content with less knowledge then you.
While you're not giving your thoughts or opinions or perspectives because you haven't been playing long enough so you probably don't have "enough" experiences,

there's a lot of white dudes with less experience giving thoughts that aren't even really even thought-out.

Yes really
Women who have thoughts and ideas and perspectives and what to share them, and make content, and write, and DM and talk about being a DM or anything even remotely related...

Go out and have the confidence of a white cis dude.
Fake it if you need too. Yeah, you heard me.

Look, most of the "white cis male's" confidence is faked anyways. You know this. You've seen it.

They can fake it, so can we.

Once more for those in the back: Women in D&D: Go and fake the confidence of a white cis dude. ♥
(This thread has been brought to you by yet another entire page of recommended videos full of white dudes. For the love of all things women, make the things you want to.)
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