👀 #FPL #GW18 Free Hit Active!

Draft Thread:
#GW18 FH Draft 1:

✅ Double MCI DEF
✅ Kane & Son
✅ Bruno & Rashford
✅ Darlow & Wilson Vs SHU
✅ Saka Vs CRY

#GW18 FH Draft 2:

✅Double City attack
✅Triple Utd attack
✅Darlow masterclass
❌No Spurs
❌Defense messy
❌Potentially miss out on ARS, WOL, EVE fixtures?
#GW18 FH Draft 3:

✅Double NEW Def
✅Kept Kane
❌Light Def
❌No Villa assets

Deleted previous tweet due to 4x NEW 🤣🤣
Will feature some of the drafts I see in the #FPLCommunity too.

This is one I like, good amount of differentials. https://twitter.com/FPL_Banger/status/1345552126991237120?s=19
#GW18 FH Draft no.4: Differential Attack!

✅All FWD <5%
✅Triple City
✅Decent Bench cover
❌Aguero fitness?
❌Cavani coming back?
❌Double/Triple NEW Def
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