WHY I’VE BEEN SO ANGRY ON TWITTER: As I see ICU rooms filling up and pleas from doctors for help; I’ve watched leaders ignore solutions that could protect those truly at risk from Covid-19. /1
Lockdowns are the tool of choice. They ignore so many things including: the virus isn’t anywhere near as dangerous as we feared for ~90% of the population. /2
They also ignore the data we’ve gathered: lockdowns lead to excess mortality among those with dementia, they lead to higher rates of domestic abuse and suicides. /3
We let Costco and Walmart stay open, but we close our Main Street shops. Amazon is allowed to him along, even though they pay crap and force people to work closely together. Restaurants and gyms adapt, they invest heavily in protective measures, then they’re shuttered. /4
Not a piece of legislation has been suggested to support workers who are still going to their jobs to give the rest of us the luxury of staying home. Not a word about 20-25 PAID sick days. /5
Somehow the construction industry has been immune from lockdown. Office towers, condos, retail malls. They’re all still being built. Workers must be in tight places together. But no covid spread concerns here. It’s almost like developers are in the pockets of politicians. /6
PCR testing is supposedly the gold standard, yet they’re not good enough to do away with 14-day quarantines. If PCR tests work, let family get tested so they can travel and see loved ones or attend funerals. /7
We keep talking about an iron ring around nursing homes being a good thing. It’s not. Our elderly need love, support and touch. Yet, we’ve not even considered out-of-the box options to offer care. /8
Instead of making LTC homes prisions, we could pay workers HUGE amounts of money to live in homes for weeks and weeks. This would make homes a place of community again. This would require a huge sacrifice of staff, that’s why we would need to pay handsomely. /9
The moving goalposts make me sick. Every time I hear “there’s light at the end of the tunnel” I roll my eyes. We’ve been told this for 10 months. But, each time someone expresses hope, they’re told about a new covid fear. (More easily spread strain for example) /10
So many got pissed at Dr. Williams when he talked about being in the Green for Christmas. But, how was that any different than “we need to sacrifice thanksgiving to save Christmas.” Clearly that was a lie months ago from all leaders. /11
Covid-19 is clearly a very serious virus for the very sick and very old. But, it’s very much like the flu for everyone else. Yes, healthy, young people can get very sick or die. The same is true with seasonal flu. Flying is safe, but planes crash. /12
Long haul covid is a thing. So is long haul seasonal flu and common cold. This has been known for decades. It’s not know how virus affects our brains or sleep or toes, but it does. /13
I know our hospitals are maxed right now. They have been for decades. Bad flu seasons have overwhelmed icu units before. Shame on us for not caring until this year. /14
As we age, and health services continue to improve, we have a massive conversation on our hands. How should the health care system treat us??? How long does someone at age 93 stay in an icu unit with pneumonia?? That’s a massive question. /15
A few years back, my grandmother had a massive heart surgery. She had full blown dementia. The woman I loved was no longer the woman in front of me. But, the health care system essentially gave her a new heart. I still don’t know why. /16
But, no politician wants that debate. No one wants to talk about anything that decisive because it all comes down to the people we love. But man, we have to talk. /17
As for school, it’s still remarkable to me they remain closed in many jurisdictions. That’s a tragedy. Education for all is something we’ve fought for, for centuries. It’s essential to the now, and future. Ontario, get them back open. No more delays. /18
Last one, let’s talk about asymptotic spread. Early on, the fear was covid could be spread for 10+ days before showing symptoms. We now know, that’s clearly not true. It may be possible 2-3 days before, that’s very similar to the flu. Why aren’t we celebrating this fact?? /19
We have lost so much. So many healthy people are so afraid of so many other healthy people. Virus will be around forever, sometimes we’ll get the flu shot wrong or future covid vaccines wrong — is this going to be the solution every time? Let that sink in.... /20
Virus is all around us... we carry it, it sucks. But, life is so much more than surviving. People keep telling me, Jay, we’ll be done this soon. Just shelter in place for a bit. But, I keep seeing stories suggesting worse things than covid are coming. /21
So, I fear, more fear is coming from our leaders. Fear to shelter is in place far longer than this spring or summer. Remember, those goalposts just keep moving. /22
My kid is 4, nearly a 1/4 of her life has been lock-downed. We live in a tiny toronto house for community. She’s starting to think staying away from people is better than being with them. That’s messed. /23
To close, yeah, I’m pissed. Officials tell us stay home. Then, They break those rules time after time. They use fear, not smart policy to address this pandemic. /24
The lockdown policy ignores 90%+ of the population won’t get more than a fever or chills from COVID. And, it isolates those who need our love now more than ever. Stop with the shame and the fear. /fin
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