First time watching Point Break.
I can’t stop laughing at the fact that Dr. Cox from Scrubs is the by-the-books screaming FBI boss.
Wha Anthony Kiedis!?
I am learning some useful beach spirituality from Bodhi. & enjoying cell phones the size of bricks.
If you want the ultimate, you’ve got to be willing to pay the ultimate price!
Johnny has his own demons, don’t you Johnny??
Whoa, surprised-in-the-shower Nazi surfer-chick turned out to be a surprisingly tough opponent. I’ve also never seen a lawnmower used in an action scene.
Surfing seems pretty COVID-safe, all things considered.
Someone just offered Gary Busey oranges. Uh oh.
Using a gas station pump as a flamethrower is *amazing.*
I lovvvve chase scenes where people run through people’s houses. I am so happy. They are running for, like, 8 hours and someone just threw a dog at him... OH NO HIS KNEE?!
I like Lori P but she and Keanu seem way more like siblings & it’s throwing me off.
“That system that kills the human spirit!”
The nudity in this movie is pretty hilarious, random butt flashes in the middle of earnest scenes about how hard it is to communicate.
So uh who packed my chute?
Never has “pulling the ripcord” felt more like code.
Fear causes hesitation. And hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.
I sometimes get the feeling these guys just like dressing up as Presidents and the bank robberies are an excuse.
Moral: don’t go to the vault.
There’s a new thing called radar! Maybe you’ve heard of it!
NOOOOOOOOO!! (I knew those oranges were a bad sign.)
You’re gonna ride this all the way you and me Johnny.
Adios Amigos!!... Wait, what?? This is a Sharknado level strategy.
Pull the cord, ya nut. This movie would make a good double feature with Reign Of Fire.
Damn, you are one radical sonafabitch.
Running in a fetching camisole set. (Btw, did Lori Petty not know about the bank robberies her ex was doing? Or did I miss something?)
See you in the next life!
Freaky twist where it suddenly turns into The Last Wave.
Life sure has a sick sense of humor dudnit?
Call me Johnny Utah, but I am genuinely upset about the idea of Bodhi living in a cage. My whole family is very pro Let Him Ride The Wave. Yes: “Vaya con dios.”
Throwin’ his badge away! That movie was WELL WORTH THE WAIT. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
Good start to 2021
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