Well remember, if 3 states don't decertify by or on January 6 when the EC votes are counted, then all the evidence is dropped outside the courts and the Congress.

People who take their oaths seriously to defend this nation from domestic threats stand ready to do their duty.
They are ***NOT*** going to let a very real and very dangerous national security threat take the Oval Office.

Their oaths do not permit it. They would be FORCED to take action.
In this thread, President Trump makes it clear he's going to give the Courts, the Congress & the state legislatures **every chance possible** to do the right thing before he will play that final card.

If he has to. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1345149555390771201?s=20
Of course, Trump and military intelligence persons who's pictures I showed you are hoping it doesn't come to having to drop the fraud & bribery evidence in public view outside the channels of the courts or the DOJ.

But what has to be done will be done, if it comes to that.
Evidence classified at the highest levels and currently being used in federal criminal and military intelligence cases that they would really REALLY not want to go public with yet will be made public.

Because it would ***have*** to be done.

They would not have a choice.
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