Ah, good Spike is monologuing.
Girls like this are always named Veruca.
Ugh, he said no! Back off!
Ugh, Oz.
He raised his voice?!
This transition SFX is really bad.
So like, no one gets to be happy on Buffy.
Forrest is King of Loria on The Magicians!
Oh no, Spike needs some chapstick
Lordy almighty, help me get through this cheesy acoustic guitar as loverboy realizes he has a crush on Buffy 🙄
Spike, you're going back to HER?
Ughhh creme brulee is not Italian, ya dolt.
I've been saying all along to Xander
Remember Fatboy Slim in every teen rom-com in this era?
I'm about ready to skip this episode. Xander and Harmony fighting like idiots is not funny or entertaining.
Okay, so I kinda knew this was the case with Walsh and the boys. How can she be part of this and be surprised she got attacked by werewolves in the previous episode?
I take it back, watching this ep was worth seeing Spike use a computer.
I could see Alyson Hannigan smirk a little as Spike keeps trying to bite her. I mean, please let me be the stunt double for that.
Assuring Spike is making me giggle.
He makes me giggle in general
"Peculiar" is their "quirky" for "demon slayer dream girl."
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