kathleen stock: vocal trans women are fetishists and we should listen to anti-gay hate groups about how to treat trans kids
the UK, apparently: give this woman a literal metal
This one might seem comparatively minor, but her immediate assumption that trans women would be to blame for their delayed cancer diagnoses shows a lot, I think. https://twitter.com/christapeterso/status/1176504551127408641?s=21
She explicitly argues for anti-trans conversion therapy.

She is a denialist about trans oppression.
She is a denialist about anti-trans violence.
She is a denialist about trans suicides.
This is so dark and sick. God
She is a charlatan. Her claims of academic persecution are lies. https://twitter.com/christapeterso/status/1153521119225237504
She headed a letter published in the Sunday Times claiming the LGBT organization Stonewall was “stifling academia” and forcing universities to adopt policies that infringed on academic freedom. I checked every signatory’s university. None had the policy claimed. https://twitter.com/christapeterso/status/1141066439576772613
Love to get a medal from the queen for defending academic freedom from threats that are just completely made up
The “rights conflicts” she talks about are made up. They are fake. This is not real.
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