In 2005 after SARS my colleagues & I proposed reciprocity as an important ethical value in pandemics.

“Reciprocity requires that society support those who face a disproportionate burden in protecting the public good, and take steps to minimize burdens as much as possible.”

“... Measures to protect the public good are likely to impose a disproportionate burden on health care workers, patients, and their families” we wrote.


Health workers constitute an estimated 3% of the world population but 14% of COVID19 cases. They have acted selflessly to care for others and serve their communities. They have borne a disproportionate burden. Sadly, in some cases, they made the ultimate sacrifice.

The whole 🌎 has shown its appreciation for health workers. Indeed, 2021 is the Year of the Health and Care Worker.

Based on the ethical value of reciprocity, among other values, its time for the 🌍 to make this appreciation tangible.

Let’s make 2021 the year of vaccine equity. 5/n
Let’s show our commitment to vaccine equity by providing COVID vaccines to ALL health workers EVERYWHERE NOW.

My friend and colleague @DrMikeRyan made this argument here

My friend @kkidia made the argument in a personal way: “Suddenly, I feel embarrassed. I think about my friends who are doctors in Zimbabwe: They work in hospitals without adequate pay or PPE, and in some places without running water. A vaccine seems far away for them.”

There is an immediate way forward: provide $4.6 billion to @ACTAccelerator to purchase vaccines for 20% of population of low & lower middle income countries.
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