Judith Butler claiming that women with more radically progressive politics than she could ever dream of are islamophobic, biologically deterministic and not read up whilst calling for calm discussion about gender to understand the points of conflict is really quite something.
This is a reference to her chat with OJ, which left me rather open mouthed. I think she must have been living under a rock. She's certainly not spoken to any of the women whose politics she's happy to attack nor does she seem familiar with the modern day trans movement >
She personally attacked Suzanne Moore saying she was sure Suzanne "would be delighted to be called transphobic"; claimed all feminists including Beauvoir see "woman" as purely social category (wrong on both counts) and that "transphobic feminists" see woman as a feeling. 🤦‍♀️>
Obvs her commitment to individualism and refusal to see the female body as a site of political struggle is well documented and critiqued but it really is something to see how far from even a pretence of feminism she's strayed. >
Oh and she called Grace Lavery a "leading scholar", which actually kind of tells you all you need to know. I guess that's the tl:dr version.
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