Lin Wood directed us to look very carefully at Pompeo's tweets today. So let's analyze them.

That's Gina Haspel in front of a CIA flag. Her hands are pointing at Pompeo's bible. With the #swagger above.

Its going to be biblical.
He's been tweeting in almost 30 minute increments for the last few tweets.
He started last night with a Happy New Year's tweet. He finished with "Watch this space." So let's watch his space.
He told us he's going "give the American people the full story about our foreign policy. You may not read it elsewhere."

My translation- big time declas is occurring today.
He's laying it out for us here. All we need to follow is him today is what this sounds like.
Our foreign policy: America First. Now who can honestly be a patriot and not support this policy?
Taking out human traffickers?
The Federalist Papers-articles written by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton arguing to ratify the newly created Constitution.

"dog-eared" reference. Corners worn or battered.

My translation: Our Constitution has been battered.
Notice the picture in front of James Monroe. Monroe won the presidency in 1816 against Rufus King. He was the last Federalist presidential candidate. In 1820 Monroe ran unopposed because the Federalist party collapsed.

Are we about to see the same soon?
#Heroes Who are today's heroes?
his foreign policy focus. I found this to be particularly interesting. "some of them became directly antagonistic to our interests"..."We bought into trade agreements that helped hollow out our own middle class."
Bob Lee Swagger is a character in Shooter, the movie and series. He is involved in taking down a deep state type of dark group. Is this a signal they are taking out the deep state?
Picture 1- At the CIA. Notice everyone has their hands crossed except the woman. That's a signal that my hands are tied.
Picture 2- Pompeo walking between the red lines (ropes) looking directly at Ezra Cohen Watson. Again at CIA. Watson is holding a phone with a picture of two people on it and his watch is very prominent.

Signal it's time? Time for the CIA to go down?
In a meeting with paintings of General George Washington, not president Washington. Signal of the new Revolution?

The other painting is of Harry Truman. The press declared Dewey the winner, but then the next day we found out Truman actually won.
Barr worked to secure America's freedom. He has stepped down but he's not done.
Green means go. Notice the tie?
Notice Trump's black and white striped tie. Gonna arrest these traffickers and traitors.
Jefferson and Washington in the background. Praying for our nation, watching over our President.

No more phony "red lines."

Translation: The red lines are upon us. It's time draws near.
Are we gonna see some more freed hostages?
Reference about events upcoming with with North Korea?
Kim Dong-chul, Tony Kim, and Kim Hak-song were hostages freed from North Korea.
What do these letters and numbers mean?

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