January 1st 2021

Out of chaos, calm will come #Hope
January 2nd 2021

The beauty of reflection #Peace
January 3rd 2021

Light will always disperse the darkness #Perseverance
January 4th 2021

Hope is always on the horizon #Perseverance
January 5th 2021

At times our heads are low and we may feel weighted down but, if we look up and lift our shoulders the view is very different and the load is lighter #Resilience
January 6th 2021

Sometimes things can feel quite overwhelming but, try not to be overcome #NeverGiveUp
January 7th 2021

If you are not functioning as you would like to, if little things are feeling huge, don’t beat yourself up. Times are tough and you are doing just fine!
January 8th 2021

Firstly be kind to yourself because then you can be kind to others.
January 9th 2021

Sometimes we just need to stop & reflect to take the time to appreciate all that we have, where so many are lacking or have nothing.
January 10th 2021

Times are turbulent and distressing for so many people. If you can take time for yourself and if you are able, take time for others. Kindness costs nothing but can mean everything #KindnessMatters
11th January 2021

Hold tight & don’t give up!
12th January 2021

Light dispelling the darkness bringing joy & hope. They will be staying up for a time to come as, there is no reason why not & every reason why they should ❤️
13th January 2021

The image below from the @BACCNUK was shared by a friend on Facebook, she is a nurse on the Critical Care Unit at our local hospital. Our thoughts are with her & her colleagues, we know what she/they & others on the frontline are going through. Thank you ❤️
14th January 2021

I took this photograph a few days ago, the clouds like waves or wild horses. Life can sometimes feel like that, waves hitting or horses bucking. Try & stand, feet firmly on the ground or hold the reigns tight, it’s rough but it will pass ❤️
15th January 2021

It’s been quite a week but we have just had the most joyous conversation which resulted in tears of happiness & love for another who tried something new today ❤️
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