The transnational criminal networks use children as couriers. This could be part of the child sex trafficking/labor trafficking - bearing and breeding children for crime. Nobody suspects children.
It's more...I am starting to get it. I am slow to understand, but once I understand, I tend to remember.
Think of the world as divided into:
- organized criminals
- people who fight organized criminals
- everyone else.
Now just think about the organized criminals for a minute.
In sociology, we refer to criminals as "deviants."
Criminology is the study of "deviance."
To be a deviant is to be apart from the norm.
You have to be careful; the word "norm" in sociology doesn't mean "psychologically normal" or "religiously moral."

It merely means "what most people do or agree on."
Society, being governed by law, establishes that criminals are deviants because they DON'T "do or agree on" playing by the rules.
Stay with me.

Remember the three groups.

- Organized criminals - they are deviants, they don't play by the rules.

- Those who fight organized criminals - they recognize how the mafia thinks/acts very clearly, because they study them all the time.

- Everyone else.
Until about ten years ago (until I started paying attention because of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in January 2010) I was "everyone else."
It's odd, because I *worked* for DHS/CBP and so I should have been sensitized for longer, but I think I didn't realize a lot of things, mostly that organized crime could occur right inside the government and be hidden.
There was a supervisor, not my supervisor, but a law enforcement supervisor who made a comment like, "if you want to make an omelet, you've got to break a few eggs," and there were a lot of "weird words" like that around Fast and Furious, and that was when I became fascinated.
I have a curiosity in me, I guess you have to be careful how curious you are, but one of the things I am curious about is exactly how the sociology of deviance works, and specifically the organized criminals currently trying to overthrow our government.
Because they are so sneaky.
The organized criminals don't announce themselves.
They don't think they are doing anything wrong, either.
They exhibit the signs of ORGANIZED DEVIANCE.

Are you with me?
For so many years, we've been hearing the fake news call our thinking "outlandish" "baseless" "deluded" and so on.

But even if you aren't familiar with the specifics, you can certainly follow the LOGIC.
Organized criminals operate in such a way that the "normals" -- those who are AWARE of how things are supposed to be -- cannot take them down.

This is fundamental to their entire operation.
Again. To be a successful organized criminal, you have to create the kind of network that is insulated against destruction.

How do you do that?

Well, the first thing is YOU NORMALIZE DEVIANCE.
Why are we constantly being bombarded with gross images, gross people, gross displays of gross attitudes and actions that most people find repulsive and abhorrent?


Normalize the extremes, so the less extreme seems quite ordinary.
You see? You have to think like they think.

Without belaboring it, this is their whole effort to turn little children into adults, consenting adults, ......
This is their whole effort to criminalize normal thinking.

Normal people for example have a wide range of emotions and reactions, they grow and evolve, and sometimes they act stupidly and hurtfully.

But the deviants want normal people to feel deep shame...
And so whatever you do is never going to be good enough for them. You are a racist, you are sexist, you are ableist, you are classist, you are anti-immigrant, you are all these horrible things -- just by virtue of existing.

That's how they get you off guard. You're apologizing.
You see, I do not naturally think this way. It actually requires an effort on my part to contort my mind, and then I can see it.
The thing with the kids is not only about pedophilia. It's not only about organ trafficking. It's about having a little deviant army that they can grow, control, and indoctrinate.
Normal people (remember, this is "the rest of us," the ones who aren't fighting crime as a hobby or for a living), normal people can't imagine why someone would hurt a child.

Organized criminals don't see it as hurting if it's useful to them. That's their deviant "morality."
Once you start to "see" how this type of person thinks, it's completely obvious. Not only do they breed people to carry out certain jobs according to what the network needs, but they also create hierarchies within which terrible people can feel special.
It's like in the movies when you see the contractors comparing how many people they've killed. That's the sickness.
Once you "see," you also understand that the organized criminals must have "their people" in society everywhere, otherwise the operation is jeopardized.

It is super important that they control celebrity culture, for example; the music industry; fashion; etc.
Before President Trump, none of this was obvious, because we rarely had an example of someone who not only wasn't part of the scam, but who boisterously declared war on the deviants.
POTUS loudly and obnoxiously called the organized criminals out for who they were, repetitively and constantly, when he could have been polite.

You see, I didn't understand this.

It wasn't just to teach us that they were deviant.

It was to de-normalize their deviance.

It was to declare war on the evil they had sowed in our souls.
Sometimes, in order to rescue someone from the devil, you have to say terrible things to the devil that sits inside the victim's body.

And that is known as an exorcism.
So many things become clear when you sit back and think.

It's been a week since I deleted Facebook.

Already my head is so much clearer.
The more you participate in a system where the criminals have implanted "their" people, the more your mind is clouded by the deviance they must constantly sow in order to seem normal.
The deviance is toxic. It's smog. Your body wants to breathe. When you get to some fresh air, all you want is to gulp it and gulp it and gulp it.
I was thinking this tonight as I watched some old TV clips and music videos, and there was one with Al Pacino. I don't know the name of the movie. He plays a blind character and the clip shows him arguing for a student...he says that the school is trying to take the kid's SOUL.
All my life, I thought that the movies were teaching me about freedom. I did not realize that they were controlled by the very same people who would take it away in a heartbeat.
Because Hollywood, the media, politicians -- anyone who has a *mass audience* -- is a lever of power for organized criminals.

The one person who's standing up against ALL of them right now is Donald Trump.
That's what's at stake.

It's pretty scary when you think about it.

It's also pretty scary that it took so many years for me to wake up.
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