As a lifelong introvert and shy guy, I’m regularly amazed by how much of Conversation Skills is just:
- asking follow-up questions that show you were paying attention and gave a shit about hearing more
- switching to topics of genuine interest when a lull hits
I’m still learning Human Skills as I become a more competent adult, but yeah. Gracefully receiving the vulnerability of others with interest and enthusiasm, as well as fearlessly offering your own vulnerability gets you pretty far. Teen/early 20’s Me could never lol
It also helps to build Life Experience from which you can draw content for conversations. This means more than just reading things, though that can help a lot too. It means going places near & far, consuming media familiar & unfamiliar, & generally opening oneself to the world
And the more you do that, the greater chance you’ll end up being Interesting, and everyone loves talking and connecting with Interesting People bc Interesting People introduce the rest of us schlubs to new perspectives & ways of being
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