Through Reiki ASMR I've been learning about chakras and metaphysical energy and such. And I learned that the sacral chakra (aka navel chakra) is associated with creativity. For people with a uterus, especially me, it's really important to note it not only deals with...
The creation of physical life but also art, inventions, any project of any kind. It is also important to note that people without uteruses as well as people who've had their uterus removed can still fully connect with their sacral chakra.
I'm tweeting all this because I used to think (before I learned about the trans experience) that because I decided I will never birth any children of my own, that as a cis-woman, I'd never experience my full woman-hood (in other words, I'd bever be woman enough). RIDICULOUS!
Anyway, the chakra thing just cemented the ridiculousness of that ideology in my mind. Thanks for coming to my TED talk😌
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