I genuinely believe there could be some roundtable discourse between trans people and cis people on the subject of bathrooms, sports, etc, and I think those conversations are good to have, as they answer questions.

I also think GCs have decided there's to be no discourse.
There could be some good, genuine discussions about the advantages of certain builds or hormones levels or bodies in sports, cis or trans.

But instead we have shrieking GCs derailing the conversation every time it comes up into "trans bad".
I'd love to sit down and answer cis questions about trans stuff. I do it already. What I don't love is a bunch of people claiming to protect women, but really using that as a vessel to be abusive to trans people.

I want progress. Not that. Sue me.
Like gay people, trans people went from being a minority we didn't talk about and stereotyped, to a civil rights movement almost overnight. While it seemed a long time coming for us, many people were and are oblivious. I love talking to them so they can hear my side.
I want them to hear all voices. This includes GC voices. But many GCs I've encountered aren't engaging in conversation or expressing concerns. They've made up their minds, and they want others to side with them, or they're "enabling fetishistic males".
Do I understand how a cis man could feel uncomfortable with me also calling myself a man? Yes! I can. I'm something he's not used to. He has questions. He has concerns. I wanna hear them. I want to reach a middle ground.

GCs want to win.
I have to coexist with cis society. It's not in my best interest to be a combative dick to every person asking a question. Reconfiguring takes time. Adjusting takes time. And talking things out helps with that.

But there's no talking with hatemongers who don't want to talk.
The majority of cis people I've talked to about trans issues, who have come to me with concerns and questions, have been lovely people who may not agree with me, but were willing to listen and make an educated decision rather than an emotional one.
The majority of GCs I've talked to have acted indistinguishable from alt right trolls, whose tactics were about looking good, making snappy retorts, and getting in as many thought terminating cliches as they could.

That's the difference.
Like, the sum of my beliefs is "this is a period of a lot of questions and discourse, being hijacked by a bad faith group with a vested interest in one single outcome, no matter what, and who want to shut the conversation down."

Be they the alt right or GCs.
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