A somewhat off-the-cuff lookback megathread at #Bitcoin ’s year in 2020 and what we got right and what we got wrong (that no one asked for but here we go)
2/ Right -BTC Adoption

#bitcoin was still a RISK-ON asset trying to shake off the stench of a bear market prior to March 2020. Then #blackthursday.

#BTC crashed in lockstep with all other assets & #FUDsters came out en masse to point out that “it wasn't a hedge/uncorrelated"
3/ However, #bitcoin quickly recovered and showed tremendous resilience (and upside) as #QE ramped up and the “money printer go #brrr meme proliferated. But then...
4/ Fast-forward to summer and all of the sudden, #bitcoin became the hottest de facto RISK-OFF asset and defensive hedge against the nation’s #QEInfinity policy. And literally, NOTHING had changed to #bitcoin ’s properties since March. @tomshaunessy
5/ The world AROUND bitcoin had changed. Sentiment had changed. Perception had changed. Hundred-year-old norms began deteriorating. And yet, beautifully, #bitcoin had not. @nlw @RyanWatkins_
6/ What DID happen in those several months was exactly what was supposed to happen. The already well-known and publicly anticipated #halving event dropped BTC’s #inflation rate to below 2%. @ck_SNARKs
7/ Again, this was AWAYS going to happen. #BTC simply just kept on ticking, uninterrupted, and without change. A continually-audited, predictable, time-stamping machine. Open for all, controlled by no one. @rocustus @Breedlove22
8/ And this realization is precisely why #institutions began to see the value in #btc . Infamous for its “volatility” (in USD), people have begun to see the flipside of the coin. The #fiat world and monetary system are incredibly volatile and worse, unpredictable. @giammizucco
9/ #BTC is the most dependable, predictable, credibly neutral, independent, incorruptible, immutable, value settlement layer the world has today.

#BTC price fluctuations are merely the reflection of exogenous forces acting on a fixed measuring device. @parkerlewis @APompliano
10/ It is not #BTC that is volatile but the rate at which the population groks bitcoin’s value which is volatile.

The forces that drive people to sound money (money printing, corruption, Cantillon effect) are variable as are people’s tolerance for such chicanery. @phil_geiger
11/ No one alive can even come close to telling you the amount of USD that will be in circulation in 1,2,5 years. How can a global economy communicate value, efficiently price markets, and engage in global commerce using a moving target?
12/ A parallel in history is to the time before we had global standards on units of length.

Coordination isn't so easy when there isn’t a standard, globally accepted value for your unit of measurement.
13/ OK, “preachy” session over, back to the list….

Right - BTC Development:

Another thing that #BTC got “right” in 2020 was development progress! @_JustinMoon_ @TheBlueMatt
14/ #Taproot (and #Schnorr sigs) implementation took major step forward w/ the code merge into #BitcoinCore Library.
This is huge bc 1) it signals that BTC’s evolution is not complete and 2) it is a boon for the #cypherpunk properties always envisaged in BTC
15/ #Schnorr is bigger for #BTC than any business or hedge fund headline by a mile.

They’ll create plausible deniability and user protection just as the tsunami of financial regulation into #crypto has begun to form.

@pwuille @jchervinsky
16/ Additionally in the #btcdevelopment space was the increase in BTC dev fund opportunities like @matt_odell’s website, exchange sponsored BTC grants (thanks @petermccormack), @paradigm’s sponsorship, and initiatives like Brink (thanks @jfnewberry). https://bitcoindevlist.com/ 
18/ It's also never been easier to get PAID in #bitcoin .

Right - #BTC payments

Thanks to @jack_mallers and @strike. The recent @russellokung news will be the “Michael Saylor” moment for athletes and celebs. Huge for normalizing #BTC as accepted money.
20/ Right - BTC Mining

China FUD has been a mainstay since #BTC origin but in 2020, big moves were made in understanding the advantages of onshoring #btcmining. Big names like @SBI and @PeterThiel turned their sights to #texas.
22/ These developments, along with #StratumV2 in #mining pools will make btc mining more robust, efficient, and less centralized. Adding to #bitcoin ’s security model and antifragility. @jp_baric @TheBIueMatt
23/ And the hash rate hit all times highs to boot @lopp @MrHodl
24/ So, yeah, lots of good things came to BTC in 2020. It was built for times like this & the perseverance of the protocol & its community through 11 years of doubt and ridicule are paying off.
#Bitcoin will become center stage on a global scale in 2021. https://www.world-today-news.com/bitcoin-is-now-the-6th-largest-currency-in-the-world/
25/ Bitcoin's rise brings in new challenges.

But first, we need to talk about the things it got #wrong in 2020. A new thread follows....
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